Apr 4, 2013 | Players & Teams
We’ve just received word from Matt Renschler, team owner and captain of Topgun Union; veteran front-dorito-player Ryan Martin will in fact be re-signing with his old team – Trenton Topgun Union. Martin played the entire 2011 season with Topgun, helping the...
Mar 27, 2013 | Players & Teams
The Challengers Division of the PSP has opened its doors to its first Division 1 team. We have confirmed that Division 1 World Cup Champions (2012), T1 Topgun Union, will be paving the way for a new era in their paintball endeavors, as the team will be the first of...
Feb 13, 2013 | Players & Teams
Social Paintball has learned that Hamen Chapman and Steven Lasher, formerly of T1 TopGun Union have joined the France based Toulouse Tontons for the 2013 PSP season. This is a huge loss to the T1 organization as Lasher and Chapman have been crucial in their ascent to...
Aug 3, 2012 | Players & Teams, The Balls
The number one ranked team in Division One of the PSP — the division below Professional — entering the upcoming Mid Atlantic Open is T1 Topgun Union out of Jackson, New Jersey. In the past seven PSP events they have five top-four finishes. The two events they missed...