Feb 6, 2014 | Paintball News
Social Paintball would like to take a few moments and reflect on the incredible work, and life of Matt Dawson, of the famed MattDPhoto. Dawson was a pioneer in the paintball media who shot for nearly every paintball magazine, and company in exsitence, went on to...
Feb 27, 2012 | Players & Teams
When I started with paintball five years ago, social media was not what it is now. YouTube was there but for most people the hardware (mobile phones or digital cameras) was not within reach, so video uploads to YouTube were not as easy as they are now. As a beginner...
Feb 16, 2012 | Interviews
Jani Andersson is a photographer. Not just any photographer but a paintball photographer for PaintballPhotography.com. This is the premier photography web site for paintball, on top of the game for years. They shoot you while you shoot them. SocialPB: How did you get...