Apr 5, 2013 | Players & Teams, Pro Player Blogs
After the success we had at the Tampa Bay Rays Fan Fest, a few of the Rays players showed some interest in going out and playing paintball. We spoke with Kyle Farnsworth and he suggested we do it on their first off-day from spring training down in Port Charlotte, Fl....
Feb 22, 2013 | Pro Player Blogs
The Tampa Bay Rays and Damage Fanfest was a massive success. With the help of Dye Precision and Social Paintball, Tampa Bay Damage reached out to more than 24,000 people in a seven hour timespan. Tampa Bay Damage would like to thank the paintball community for coming...
Feb 20, 2013 | Paintball News Video
Weekly paintball news video with info from around the world. Submit your paintball news here: http://socialpaintball.com/news/ This weeks paintball show covers the Toulouse Tontons roster pick ups, Russian Legion tryouts, Tampa Bay Damage & Tamap Bay Rays Fan...
Feb 13, 2013 | Paintball News Video
Weekly paintball news video with info from around the world. Submit your paintball news here: http://socialpaintball.com/news/ This weeks paintball show covers the our new Events Calendar, Tampa Bay Damage and Tampa Bay Rays teaming up, CFPS Event 1 scores, anf Guns...