Jan 20, 2014 | Players & Teams
The good people over at Paintball Access are reporting that Mykel Kovar will be returning to San Antonio X-Factor for the 2014 season after a one year stint with the Moscow Red Legion, and helping manage the Breakout Arena paintball field in Belgium. Below is an...
Jan 25, 2013 | Interviews
This season, Russian Legion a.k.a. Moscow Red Legion announced the addition of two players to their 2013 PSP roster. Thankfully, fortune has been on my side and I have been able to spend a little time getting to know one of their newest players on the roster. It’s...
Jan 15, 2013 | International, Players & Teams
Last year, we watched as Moscow Red Legion (also known as Russian Legion) continuously made the PSP Open Quarter Finals, four consecutive times. Neither of which resulted in a first place trophy, but a slew of 2nd – 6th place finishes throughout the season....