Feb 8, 2014 | Daily Paint
The last few days, we’ve been completely consumed with the Olympics. From #sochifails to watching the opening ceremonies, and streaming every event possible, it’s completely taken over. This got us thinking, IF paintball were an Olympic sport, who would...
Feb 19, 2013 | Interviews
1. A few weeks ago you made paintball news sites go crazy about you. Dynasty, Damage, Impact and now back to the Ironmen. Can you sum it up for us chronologically? Basically, I was in a rough position to decide whether I should run with a money offer or have the time...
Feb 11, 2013 | Players & Teams
Several hours ago Social Paintball was informed that Tampa Bay Damage has signed Timothy “Raney” Stanczak, formerly of the Los Angeles Ironmen. During the 2012 PSP campaign Stanczak finished the 33rd ranked paintball player in the world, and provided an...