Sep 6, 2013 | Players & Teams
The Moscow Red Legion’s 2013 season suffers yet another set back. After fighting to return from their fall to the PSP Challenger’s Division, Moscow has lost what may be their most valuable player for the 2013 PSP World Cup, and possibly the start of the...
Feb 1, 2013 | Players & Teams
Russian Legion’s Kirill Prihidni has provided me with a training update to share with our loyal readers of Social Paintball. Enough with the intro, here’s the most recent exciting news from RL. Russian Legion has started its third full week of the training process. ...
Feb 27, 2012 | Players & Teams
When I started with paintball five years ago, social media was not what it is now. YouTube was there but for most people the hardware (mobile phones or digital cameras) was not within reach, so video uploads to YouTube were not as easy as they are now. As a beginner...
Jan 18, 2012 | International, Players & Teams
This just in from across the pond. Frankfurt Syndicate sent us a message: “We are happy to announce that superstar player Kirill Prihidni from Russian Legion will switch from Art Chaos (Millennium Winner 2011) to play in Europe for Frankfurt Syndicate. He will...