Apr 20, 2012 | Tournament
The 2012 PSP Phoenix Open is officially underway in Arizona. We love to hear from the fans, so it’s time for a new poll. After 1446 total votes on our last poll, it looks like the fans were right. The fans chose Tampa Bay Damage with 373 votes (26%) to be the...
Mar 15, 2012 | Tournament
The 2012 PSP Galveston Island Open professional matches are postponed until April, when the teams will resume battling it out in Phoenix. We want to know what the fans think… Who do you think will win? [poll id=4]
Mar 10, 2012 | Analysis, Tournament
Today a record breaking 151 paintball teams flocked to Galveston Island, Texas, as Paintball Sports Promotions kicked off their 2012 season. Not only was this a first for the number of teams, it was also the first day that Sports Media Productions launched their...
Feb 4, 2012 | National, Tournament
The PSP just announced changes to its rules. Read below for the changes. Pro Players on Division 2 Rosters As in 2011, RaceTo-4 and RaceTo-5 teams may have two players from one class higher than the division the team is competing in, and may borrow points from one of...