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Fan Poll: Which is the higher level non-pro division?

Fan Poll: Which is the higher level non-pro division?

Okay paintball fans and players of all ages, here at the Social Paintball offices, we are having an intense argument/ discussion, that I feel we need your help to resolve? In the PSP we have Pro, D1, D2, D3, and D4 (there’s D5 for cup as well). In the NPPL we have...
How To Play Paintball: The Masks

How To Play Paintball: The Masks

So you went out and played paintball with your friends and really enjoyed it. Now, you have a million questions and don’t know who to ask, this will be a series of articles to help answer some basic questions. The first real piece of gear your going to want to...
Paintball Drills – The Wrap Drill

Paintball Drills – The Wrap Drill

The purpose of this drill isn’t to shoot your mirror (the other player in the same bunker as you), it’s to push them in and shoot a target. They are trying to do the same. Step 1: Using whatever layout you have up… or set one up with 2 mirrored...
Leave it all on the field…

Leave it all on the field…

I see people all the time trying to settle there on-the-field disagreements, or complaints with events or promoter or series, on the internet. Whether it’s in a forum or on a media site, they say things and act in a way that they would never do in person, or in...
NPPL DC Predictions

NPPL DC Predictions

First I’m going to make a prediction on the pro level. I like Portland Uprising to do work at the DC NPPL. They Finished Last at Huntington Beach, Instead of giving up or just keep on doing the same things, they recognized changes must be made. The big post on...