Jan 30, 2013 | Paintball News Video
Weekly paintball news video with info from around the world. Submit your paintball news here: http://socialpaintball.com/news/ Weekly paintball news video show with info from around the world. This weeks paintball show covers the all new PSP Pro Division’s...
Jan 16, 2013 | National, Players & Teams
[Update: 2:25 AM EST, 1/20/13]: Alex Goldman has officially signed with Los Angeles Ironmen. According to our sources, Justin “JRab” Rabackoff and Alex “Mouse” Goldman have officially left Tampa Bay Damage and signed a contract with Edmonton...
Mar 6, 2012 | Players & Teams
San Francisco Explicit would like to share with the world their upcoming roster for 2012 NPPL Huntington Beach paintball tournament. Big names people, BIG names. Rob thinks this roster will get them to Sunday… with some luck and a lot of team work they will make...