Apr 27, 2012 | Pro Player Blogs
Imagine a place where you can roam around aimlessly and without worry. A place where the food is unique, the language is different and the culture swirls around your head like a whirlwind tossing its surroundings into the air. Sometimes this place feels like another...
Apr 23, 2012 | Paintball Videos, Tournament
This is part two of our PALS Thailand 2012 video coverage. Part one had clinic footage, this video covers the prelims with action-packed game footage. Thanks to PALS for the opportunity. You can also watch the first video below: PALS Thailand 2012, Day 1: Clinics....
Mar 7, 2012 | Paintball Videos, Tournament
8 days, 56 hours of travel, 4 days of filming, 2,000 photos, and over 30 hours worth of footage later, I’m finally back home sitting at my desk. PALS Thailand 2012, what an experience, and every bit worth it. First I’d like to thank everyone at PALS for their...