Jul 18, 2012 | Paintball Videos, Scenarios & Big Games
Justin features a fellow teammate’s (Shad) 5 slapsticks scores in the Final Battle of Living Legends 5 at CPXSports, in Joliet, Illinois. Social Paintball only sent a team of three, but as we can see, given this heroic effort, Shad was the MVP of the bunch this...
Jul 5, 2012 | Scenarios & Big Games
This is part one of Justin’s Living Legends 5 experience. Stay tuned for more. More videos, articles, and coverage of LLV is coming as fast as we can edit it! Special thanks to Hustle Paintball and pbRiot!
May 24, 2012 | Interviews
Justin checks in with us all as he is checking out of his hotel after the Living Legends V event, held this past weekend at CPX Sports in Joliet, Illinois. More videos, articles, and coverage of LLV is coming as fast as we can edit it! Special thanks to Hustle...
May 19, 2012 | Scenarios & Big Games
Justin plays his first game at Living Legends 5, and his first pump game EVER with the Empire Sniper. A lot of new equipment for production and for playing. The game features GPS tracking of Justin on a mini map of CPX sports. User error caused some issues with the...
Jan 10, 2012 | Press Releases
FOR IMMEDIATE PRESS RELEASE JANUARY 10, 2012 CPX SPORTS JOLIET, IL LIVING LEGENDS 5: THE DARK AGE – COMMANDERS ANNOUNCE THEIR XO’s Thomas “Sniperwolf” Kerstetter of the Grassy Knoll Gunmen, and commander of “The Horde,” has chosen Kevin “Murph” Gibson as his XO...