Oct 27, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tournament
GI Sportz promo video displaying their winning paintballs and teams. This was edited in less than 1 day at the 2011 PSP World Cup. We edited this for display in the GI Sportz tent at the event. Soundtrack: So French Records Feeling Fresh Bestrack Productions Brutal...
Oct 26, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tournament
This is the 2011 PSP World Cup Finals match between Russian Legion (Russia BRL or Boston Red Legion) and Tampa Bay Damage in raw high definition as filmed on Sunday afternoon at Fantasy of Flight in Polk City, FL. Congratulations to both teams for playing a epic...
Oct 26, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Players & Teams, Tournament
Konstantin Fedorov (K-Fed) shows his superb athleticism when he leaps over a lane of paintballs during the Russian Legion vs.Tampa Bay Damage 2011 PSP World Cup Finals match held at Fantasy of Flight in Polk City, FL. Included is some bonus footage of Fedorov looking...
Oct 22, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Players & Teams, Tournament
Russian Legion Signing at GI Sportz Booth at the 2011 PSP World Cup of Paintball.
Oct 21, 2011 | Interviews, Paintball Videos, Tournament
Matt Blonski from the Russian Legion gives us a quick update of their status on Friday at the 2011 PSP World Cup.