Jan 20, 2015 | Paintball News, Tournament
Social Paintball is pleased to announce the full events calendar for the 2015 Social Paintball League season in Florida. The next event will be the Sunshine State Open in March. We’ll be announcing venues soon, as well. We strive to put together events at...
Oct 27, 2014 | Paintball News
Here is the official layout for the 2014 SPL Gulf Coast Open! If you’ve been itching to play the GCO layout, Gator Paintball Extreme had the layout up this past weekend. See you all out there! What do you think of the layout? Let us know what you think! Don’t forget...
Oct 25, 2014 | Paintball News
We’ve started a a new league called the Social Paintball League. We’ll be holding the tournament series in Florida. Our first event, the SPL Gulf Coast Open is November 8th and 9th, 2014 in Hudson, FL. To learn more about the SPL visit:...