Mar 20, 2014 | International, Paintball News
Social Paintball wird Media Partner der DPL Social Paintball ist die weltgrößte Paintball Onlinenews Organisation. Das unabhängige Mediaportal bietet täglich aktuelle News, Videos, Interviews und Analysen aus dem weltweiten Paintballsport. Social Paintball ist mit dem...
Dec 17, 2013 | International
This past week the European Millennium Series announced a new side show to be featured along side their world class team-competition format: a 1 versus 1 tournament. Below is a copy of the press release, plus a link to the full page. Do you plan on participating, or...
Jun 4, 2012 | International, Tournament
The Millennium Series just finished their Bitburg event, but they are already gearing up for the London Masters, taking place along side the river Thames which is also hosting the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, the Summer Olympics and the BBC Proms. Needless to say,...