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PBRack has just released a new promotional video for their new JetPack paintball harness. We’ll be on hand at the Paintball Extravaganza to see this new harness in person, but for now check out the promotional video below done by Blacklist Media, with the help of Jimmy Hickey Photography and Census Design.

The PBRack JetPack was designed purely for function. It’s lightweight, comfortable and sleek. The JetPack is the super pack combining all features into one harness. The pods are held in place by high powered magnet technology, eliminating velcro gives the pack a long lasting and consistent pod removal. The pack continually collapses to give you the tightest profile possible in addition to providing a sheath cover over your hard pods to help with bounces. We designed the back padding to support your back and spine while providing maximum comfort. The list of features is never ending, hands down the JetPack is the end all be all of paintball harness’s.

To learn more about the Jet Pack Harness, visit: