Dec 19, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tech & Maintenance
In this installment, sticktodrum puts the Planet Eclipse Etek3 and the Dangerous Power FX paintball markers (guns) side by side to see the features and aesthetics of each.
Dec 6, 2011 | Gear & Reviews, Paintball Videos
In this episode Justin & Mario team up to give two perspectives on the same four loaders. Dye Rotor, Pinokio Hopper, Empire Prophecy Z2, and the Valken V-Max; all loaders are tested and reviewed. This is our first attempt at a multi-perspective review. Let us...
Nov 28, 2011 | Daily Paint, Paintball Videos
For mature audiences. Some of the people that live inside stick’s head speak out with their thoughts on Paintmate of the Month, and stick gives a short bit of advice on life, love, and pump guns.
Nov 13, 2011 | Daily Paint, Paintball Videos
This is just a little teaser for the new Paintball Troll videos we have lined up. We were at the 2011 PSP World Cup when an unsuspecting cameraman popped into my sight…
Nov 11, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tech & Maintenance
This is the first in a new series of tech, information, and review videos featuring Paintball’s Lovable Prince of Parody, sticktodrum. The shows will cover any gun made available, and any technical topic imaginable. If there are topics or guns you’d like...