Sep 2, 2014 | Paintball Videos
Episode 6 of “Internal Damage.” An original Social Paintball Series that documents the 2014 Tampa Bay Damage professional paintball season. We will showcase the ups, downs, and everything in between. Brought to you in part by Dye Paintball. This episode...
Jul 5, 2014 | Paintball Videos
Episode 5 of “Internal Damage.” An original Social Paintball Series that documents the 2014 Tampa Bay Damage professional paintball season. We will showcase the ups, downs, and everything in between. Brought to you in part by Dye Paintball. This episode...
May 26, 2014 | Paintball Videos
Episode 4 of “Internal Damage.” An original Social Paintball Series that documents the 2014 Tampa Bay Damage professional paintball season. We will showcase the ups, downs, and everything in between. Brought to you in part by Dye Paintball. This episode...
Apr 30, 2014 | Paintball News
Just moments ago, Matty Marshal of Paintball Access made a post on the popular paintball forum, PBNation, giving paintball players and fans a “state of the webcast”. In it he states two things: Paintball Access will be charging for the webcast starting at...
Apr 13, 2014 | Paintball News Video
Social Paintball was on the scene at the opening event for the PlayGround Paintball League in Mantua, New Jersey. Be sure to check out the PGPL’s website, and like them on Facebook! Music: “Butterfly” by Bassnectar Filming and Editing: Joel...