Nov 5, 2011 | Interviews, Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
Matty Marshall interviews Danny Tiljak from St. Louis Avalanche. Splat Magazine circa 2008. We’ve teamed up with Splat to bring you some of their classic PROfiles pro paintball player interviews with Matt Marshall at the helm.
Nov 5, 2011 | Interviews, Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
Matty Marshall interviews Gino Benedicto from Los Angeles Infamous. Splat Magazine circa 2008. We’ve teamed up with Splat to bring you some of their classic PROfiles pro panitball player interviews with Matt Marshall at the helm.
Nov 5, 2011 | Interviews, Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
Matty Marshall interviews Archie Montemayor from San Antonio X-Factor. Splat Magazine circa 2008. We’ve teamed up with Splat to bring you some of their classic PROfiles pro panitball player interviews with Matt Marshall at the helm.
Nov 5, 2011 | Interviews, Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
Matty Marshall interviews Anthony Lam, Steven Leon from Oakland Blast. Splat Magazine circa 2008. We’ve teamed up with Splat to bring you some of their classic PROfiles pro paintball player interviews with Matt Marshall at the helm.
Nov 5, 2011 | Interviews, Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
Matty Marshall interviews Kenny Tsuda, Michael Lugay from Oakland Blast. Splat Magazine circa 2008. We’ve teamed up with Splat to bring you some of their classic PROfiles pro panitball player interviews with Matt Marshall at the helm.