Nov 15, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tech & Maintenance
This is a video of Kelsey teching a Spyder paintball marker that came in and was not working properly. Watch as she tries to figure out what is wrong with it, then fix it.
Oct 10, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tech & Maintenance
Kelsey gives us a mechanical marker explanation of a paintball marker that has been milled in half so you can see the internals.
Oct 3, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Tech & Maintenance
A brief overview of the tools that you should have on hand at the paintball field in case your gun goes down. Kelsey Mathieu is a paintball tech in training.
Sep 21, 2011 | Paintball Videos, Players & Teams
It’s time to give the girls of paintball some love. So here we go! This is Kelsey Mathieu, a female paintball that plays out of VT (Virginia Tech). The teams nick name is the Hokies. She’s been playing for 4 years. Position: Mid, Marker: Bob Long G6R,...