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Social Paintball Bones And Ashes Loyalty Package

Social Paintball Bones and Ashes Loyalty Package

<BR><BR><h1>Introducing the Social Paintball Bones and Ashes Loyalty Package</h1>

Purchase the Loyalty Package and save $15 on the 2018 CPX Bones & Ashes official event jersey.

We’ve put together a package that will save you money before and during the event while providing you with the essentials needed to play in this amazing event in North Carolina.

PLEASE NOTE: Jersey pre-ordering ends on Friday, February 23rd, 2018. Jerseys ordered by the deadline will be made for the event.

Loyalty Package includes:

  • 2 Cases of Loyalty Paint
  • Custom Event Jersey with Your Name & Number
  • SAVE $15 on your Event Jersey with the Loyalty Package
  • A free hug

Package Price: $184.90


Loyalty is our tournament grade paintball that is made for performance and accuracy.

This metallic shell ball breaks on the slightest contact and the pro fill assures that your opponent will be clearly marked.

When winning is the goal, Loyalty will provide that ball-on-ball accuracy needed to edge out your competition.

Players, field owners, and tournament promoters love the 100% PEG fill that makes for an vivid clear mark and non-staining clean up.


The Limited Edition 2018 Social Paintball and CPX Sports Bones & Ashes 1 event custom paintball jersey is now yours to order. This jersey is being made on a limited run for the event.

This will be made on our SMPL unpadded paintball jersey cut. The jersey features our industry-first full-back mesh, mesh along the sides and under the arms, and cuffs with thumb holes.

Not interested in the Loyalty Package? That’s okay, you can order the Bones & Ashes jersey on its own.


March 23-25, 2018


Black Ops Paintball
2112 River Rd
Fayetteville, NC 28312

“I remember growing up, my dad always said you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket, but we did.”

At the turn-of-the-century peoples minds were consumed with two specific problems. One being the looming energy crisis created by dwindling fossil fuel reserves. The other was the rapidly increasing temperature of the planet. Now all the greatest minds of mankind were focused on trying to find a way to solve both of those issues. It is the nature of man when confronted with a problem to solve it and someone rose to the occasion. In 2021 there was a fundamental breakthrough in material sciences that allowed for incredibly cheap high-capacity batteries and solar panels to hit the market. Being just pennies on the dollar compared to previous options it was a no-brainer. Governments of the world globally all scrambled to meet their infrastructure needs with solar powered options. By 2045 80% of the nations of the world generated their power predominately from solar. Electric vehicles,both on the ground and in the air, had become the new norm. What seem to be the greatest news was the fall of 2047, when global temperatures that summer had matched the previous year for the first time in decades. It’s seem that we were finally turning things around. Unfortunately, mother nature had another plan. In April 2048, there were a series of violent earthquakes in the region of New Zealand. They were only the beginning.

The Lake Taupo caldera detonated in the largest volcanic eruption in human experience. 3800 cubic kilometers of lava, ash and gases exploded miles into the sky. The island nation was incinerated in moments. The ash cloud spread to blanket most of the globe, thick layers fell across the land from New York to Johannesburg. Temperatures plummeted as the sun looked only slightly brighter then the moon once did. Harsh endless winter killed crops and livestock while panic set in. Lights world wide started to dim and die off, as millions of acres of solar panels sat dirty and useless, surrounded by bones and ashes…

Social Paintball Dreaded Bones and Ashes Loyalty Package